Trainers may be getting an easy Woobat during the Psychic Spectacular event, but they will need to know a certain gimmick to evolve this Pokemon.
Woobat isn’t the only Pokemon with a tricky evolution. Inkay, who will make its debut at the Psychic Spectacular, will likely evolve by turning the trainer’s phone upside down. There are also many Pokemon that require an item such as the Sinnoh Stone or King’s Rock.
Special evolution method for this Generation V Pokemon
To evolve Woobat, the trainer must make Woobat their buddy. Then, they have to walk at least 1km with Woobat. Only after this is done can the trainer give Woobat the 50 candy to evolve it into Swoobat.
This is Pokemon GO’s way of trying to match the main series experience as much as possible. In Pokemon Black and White and every subsequent game, Swoobat leveled up by maximizing its friendship with the trainer.
While this may seem a little odd, it isn’t the first time it has happened in Pokemon. Others, like Golbat, needed their max friendship with the trainer before evolving. Even odder is that Espeon needed Eevee to be at max friendship during the day, whereas Umbreon needed the same, but at night.
Even though 1 km isn’t the longest distance to walk by any means, trainers are going to have to decide whether or not it’s worth it. In terms of PvP and raids, Swoobat is a real letdown. It only has 161 Attack and no real bulk. That being said, Generation V fans will still want this Pokemon just to have it.
It also certainly won’t be the only Psychic-type players can get in the coming days. Psychic-types are very popular during this Season of Mischief, where Hoopa is up to some serious shenanigans.
In terms of other Pokemon to keep an eye out for during the Psychic Spectacular, both Abra and Ralts will be available. Trainers’ ears should be perking up at that, since they evolve into Alakazam and Gardevoir.
Also Read
Both of these Psychic Pokemon are highly ranked counters to many raid bosses. This is because they both have amazing Attack stats and movepools, so very few Pokemon can match their DPS.
How to evolve Woobat in Pokemon GO
Source: Balita Manila Viral